Desenzano del Garda, 17/03/16
We declare and confirm that company CNC-PROJEKT with legał address in ul. Wodnika 50, 80-299 Gdańsk, Poland, is an exclusive agent in Polish Market for the complete rangę of products offered by BIKO S.r.L
CNC-PROJEKT company is also authorized and responsible for the Installation, after sales services and maintenance of our machines.
The agreement is valid up to cancellation and can only be cancelled before with letter from Authorized Responsible from BIKO S.r.L.
BIKO Srl • Via Bełvedere Barę sani. 1 - 2S01S Desenzano del Garda (BS) Kały • TeL +39 030 9S 29 162 fax. +39 030 99 SB 23S Capctale sociale: C 26.000,00 Lv. Cod. Ftsc. e Partita IVA: 01692740986
WEB: www.bikoweb.Lom: E-MAIL: info(S>bikoweb.com
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