euro pass | |
Europass Curriculum Vitae | |
Personal infomiation First name(s) / Sumame(s) Address(es) |
Marzena Liliana WOJTASZEWSKA (former sumame: PIERONKIEW1CZ) |
Telephor>e(s) Fax(es) E-mal |
Mob e: | |
Nationality |
PoSsh |
Dateofbirth | |
Gender |
Femate |
Current Employment / Occupational field |
Molecular diagnostics |
Work experience | |
Dates Position held Mam acdvities and responsibilities |
11.02.2010-Present Laboratory specialist Molecular diagnostics of hereditary and somatic hematological disorders -patent samples preparatem DNA and RNA isdaGon -mclecular analyss of nudeic adds: PCK RO-PCR, Sanger sequendng -fusion genes detection andrrtnimal residual disease monitoring -somatic mutaóons screening in myelcproliferatwe neopiasms and acute myeioćd letAemia -Leden factor V and protrombm G20210A pełymorphism ctetection -quantitaGve STR-PCR analysis of post-Cransplartation hematopoieóc chmensm |
Name and adcfress of employe? |
Department of Hematobgy University Hospital of Lorcfs Transfguraton Poznan LYiiversity cf Medical Sciences POLAND |
Type of busmess or sectcr |
Pubie Healthcare / Mediane |
Dates Position held Mam acdvities and responsibilities |
5.11.2010 -Present Science Editorat httD^dolinabiotechnoloaiczna.Dl/ PopUarizatbn of medical Sciences and biotechnclogy -scence artides edfóng -orfme laboratory protccd database management -gathering the infoimaticn abcut scentrfic events in Poland and Eurcpe |
PageiM-CumoJuttułtaeof Fcr rrxxe infomiatćr on Ej^pKS9D»rnp:\'€ur>pass.ceoeftpAropQ«j Sumane(s) Firet name<s) | ©Euiopeanuion, 2001-2010 24082010