5year 5 veterinarian tasks eng

Veterinary tasks
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Interpretation of test results conducted to check quality of cleaning and disinfection in slaugh-
terhouses and meat cutting plant
Instruction of G艂贸wny Lekarz Weterynarii
Nr GIWhig.500/3/05 of 2ed May 2005
on procedures of official veterinarians on supervisions accomplishing settlements of Commission Decision 2001/471/EC
In the cases of unsatisfactory results head master should initiate correction procedures by verification of:
- stand procedures and instructions in scope of cleaning and disinfection program,
- usage of cleaning and disinfection agents,
- trainings schedules and programs,
- GMP stand procedures and instructions
- rules of owner s supervision
AVII. Results interpretation and furthermore dealing
During supervision of results interpretation official veterinarian pays special attention on:
- tests results should be classified according microbiology criterions with the same order as sampling,
- unsatisfactory results triggers checking of verification criterions from the beginning (to determine status of control
- result in the range of margin or unsatisfactory has to initiate verification and control of process
- look for the reason of unexpected event and prevent next one
- result should be clarified by head master (or HACCP team) in a form of consultation with official veterinarian
The effect of consultations should be revealing reasons of unsatisfactory test results e.g.:
- wrong GMP procedures,
- lack of improper training
- usage of improper cleaning and disinfectant agents
- improper work of ventilation system
- lack or inadequate owner s supervision
Official veterinarian pays special attention on:
- post slaughter processes (failure in manual works)
- technical and sanitary conditions of machines and tools (location places with access difficulties for cleaning and
- introduce changes to GMP (procedures and/or stand instructions)
- conduct trainings for staff considering revealed problem
- increase frequency of verification cleaning and disinfection actions
Resampling (after revealing the reason of event) After the three following unsatisfactory results PLW make decision
what to do next including stop production
of G艂贸wny Lekarz Weterynarii
Nr GIWhig-500-7/07
of 4th of April 2007
on dealing rules of accomplishing supervision of test conducted by business operators producing
food of animal origin in scope of its safety and production processes hygiene
according to
of 5 December 2007
amending Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs
II. Instruction describes
1) method of preparing sampling plan to determine compliance with food safety criteria
2) method of establishing sampling frequency to determine compliance with production hygiene criteria in
slaughterhouses, plant involved in production of ground meat, raw meat and mechanically deboned meat;
3) proceedings with enforcing decision of Regulation 2073/2005;
Veterinary tasks
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III. Scope:
Proceedings of official veterinarians in supervision (control) on business operators of food of animal origin to establish
food safety
IV. Aim
The aim of instruction is standardization of proceedings of sampling to provide control and to enforce hygiene decisions
of Veterinary Inspection
1). PLW regarding risk analysis controls:
a) if all produced food are included into plan of tests
b) if all products covered by plan comply growth of Listeria monocytogenes
c) if suggested tests number enables proper safety determination
2. Sampling for Salmonella presence to determine food safety such products as: ground meat, and raw meat products: 5
samples once a week could be reduced:
1) 1st time if during 3 following 10 days results were satisfactory (& )
2) 2ed time according national or regional plan if Salmonella occurrence is low
2. Sampling to determine hygiene level: 5 samples once a week could be reduced (& )
Annex no 3.  Slaughter hygiene, ground meat, raw meat products, mechanically deboned meat  TVC (total viable
counts), Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli
Presents method to establish basic frequency sampling depending on results.
ground meat,
raw meat products,
mechanically deboned meat
Annex no 4. Slaughter hygiene criterions  Salmonella
Presents method to establish basic frequency sampling depending on results.
hygiene of slaughter processes of:
- slaughter animals
- chicken broilers
- turkey broilers
A. Accomplishment plan verification
1. Accomplishment plan verification is provided by PLW 2 time a year by analysis of plant documentation, independent
sampling and comparing results with those obtained from food business operator.
2. PLW during control checks if:
1) food business operator realizes tests plan,;
2) food business operator stores results confirming safety of production:
3) food business operator protects danger food against entering market in case of negative results;
4) predicted number of samples ensure proper determination of food safety;
5) food business operator realizes tendency analysis;
6) food business operator undergoes proper actions in a case of unsatisfactory tests results;
7) food business operator marks food products for necessity of thermal treatment before consumption;
In any inconformity with plan PLW advices food business operator to correct it. (Notification, conditions, term)
Annex no. 2  Safety of ground meat, raw meat products  Salmonella
Annex no 3   Slaughter hygiene, ground meat, raw meat products, mechanicaly deboned meat TCC (total
viable counts), Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli
Annex no 4. Slaughter hygiene criterions  Salmonella
Annex no 5. Establishing basic frequency for food safety tests for small plants which produce ground meat and
raw meat products
Annex no 6. Establishing basic frequency for food safety tests for small slaughterhouses (horses, cattle, sheep,
goats, pigs)
Annex no 7 Establishing basic frequency for hygiene production tests for small poultry slaughterhouses
Veterinary tasks
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Annex no 8 Establishing basic frequency for hygiene production tests for small plans which produce ground
meat and raw meat products
Recounting unit  ru
Cu Item
1 Cattle or horse over 3 months
0,5 Cattle or horse below 3 months
0,2 Pig over 100 kg
0,15 Pig in range form 15 to 100
0,05 Piglet below 15 kg
0,10 Sheep or goat over 15 kg
0,05 Sheep or goat below 15 kg
Annex no 9 Frequency sampling comparison for different food business operators
OIE - Office International des Epizooties
WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health
Report (in form of a table)
Disease name
Animal species
Latin name
Evidence in ... year
Incidents count
Method of diagnose
Clinical, pathological, serological, identified pathogen
OIE list disease Avian Malaria
African Horse Sickness Avian Pox
African Swine Fever Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy
Anaplasmosis Babesiosis
Anthrax Bat Lyssaviruses
Aujeszky磗 Disease Baylisascaris spp.
Avian Chlamydiosis Besnoitiosis
Avian Cholera Botulism
Avian Infectious Bronchitis Calicivirus Marine Mammals
Avian Influenza HPAI Circoviruses
Avian Influenza LPAI Contagious Ecthyma
Avian Tuberculosis Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic Fever (EVHF)
Bluetongue Elephant Herpesvirus
Bovine Herpesvirus (IBR) Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease (EHD)
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) European Brown Hare Syndrome (EBHS)
Bovine Tuberculosis Feline Leukaemia (FLV)
Brucella abortus Feline Panleucopenia
Brucella melitensis Hantaviruses
Brucella sp. Histomoniasis
Brucella suis Immunodeficiency viruses (Feline, Simian)
Caprine Arthritis/Encephalitis (CAE) Inclusion Body Hepatitis
Classical Swine Fever Large Liver Flukes
Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia Listeriosis
Duck Hepatitis Louping ill
Duck Plague (DVE) Lyme borreliosis
Echinococcus granulosus Marburg virus
Echinococcus multilocularis Meningeal worms of cervids
Equine Herpesvirus Paramyxoviruses
Foot and Mouth Disease Paramyxoviruses (Bat, Canine, Cetacean, Phocine)
Leishmaniasis Pasteurellosis
Leptospirosis Pestiviruses
Lumpy Skin Disease Pseudotubeculosis
Maedi/Visna Psoroptic Mange
Malignant Catharral Fever Salmonellosis
Myxomatosis Sarcoptic Mange
Newcastle Disease Sylvatic Plague
Paratuberculosis Tick Borne Encephalitis
Peste des Petits Ruminants Toxoplasmosis
Q-fever Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE, CWD)
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) Trichomoniasis
Rabies Tyzzer磗 Disease
Rift Valley Fever West Nile Virus
Rinderpest Reptiles
Scrapie Fibropapillomatosis in sea turtles
Sheep/Goat Pox Inclusion Body Disease
Swine Vesicular Disease Papillomatosis in crocodiles
Trichinellosis Trichinellosis
Tuberculosis Human Amphibians
Tularemia Chytridiomycosis
Vesicular stomatitis Iridovirus diseases
Game animals diseases
Veterinary tasks
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List A
Transmissible diseases which have the potential for very serious and rapid spread, irrespective of national bor-
ders, which are of serious socio-economic or public health consequence and which are of major importance in
the international trade of animals and animal products.List B
Transmissible diseases which are considered to be of socio-economic and/or public health importance within
countries and which are significant in the international trade of animals and animal products.
A010 - Foot and mouth disease
A020 - Vesicular stomatitis
A030 - Swine vesicular disease
A040 - Rinderpest
A050 - Peste des petits ruminants
A060 - Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
A070 - Lumpy skin disease
A080 - Rift Valley fever
A090 - Bluetongue
A100 - Sheep pox and goat pox
A110 - African horse sickness
A120 - African swine fever
A130 - Classical swine fever
A150 - Highly pathogenic avian influenza
A160 - Newcastle disease
B204 - Equine encephalomyelitis (Eastern and Western)
Multiple species B205 - Equine infectious anaemia
B051 - Anthrax B206 - Equine influenza
B052 - Aujeszky's disease B207 - Equine piroplasmosis
B053 - Echinococcosis/hydatidosis B208 - Equine rhinopneumonitis
B055 - Heartwater B209 - Glanders
B056 - Leptospirosis B210 - Horse pox
B057 - Q fever B211 - Equine viral arteritis
B058 - Rabies B212 - Japanese encephalitis
B059 - Paratuberculosis B213 - Horse mange
B060 - New world screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) B215 - Surra (Trypanosoma evansi)
B061 - Old world screwworm (Chrysomya bezziana) B216 - Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis
B062 - Trichinellosis Swine
Cattle B251 - Atrophic rhinitis of swine
B101 - Bovine anaplasmosis B252 - Porcine cysticercosis
B102 - Bovine babesiosis B253 - Porcine brucellosis
B103 - Bovine brucellosis B254 - Transmissible gastroenteritis
B104 - Bovine genital campylobacteriosis B256 - Enterovirus encephalomyelitis
B105 - Bovine tuberculosis B257 - Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
B106 - Bovine cysticercosis Birds
B107 - Dermatophilosis B301 - Avian infectious bronchitis
B108 - Enzootic bovine leukosis B302 - Avian infectious laryngotracheitis
B109 - Haemorrhagic septicaemia B303 - Avian tuberculosis
B110 - Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular B304 - Duck virus hepatitis
vulvovaginitis B305 - Duck virus enteritis
B111 - Theileriosis B306 - Fowl cholera
B112 - Trichomonosis B307 - Fowl pox
B113 - Trypanosomosis (tsetse-transmitted) B308 - Fowl typhoid
B114 - Malignant catarrhal fever B309 - Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease)
B115 - Bovine spongiform encephalopathy B310 - Marek's disease
Sheep and goats B311 - Avian mycoplasmosis (M. gallisepticum)
B151 - Ovine epididymitis (Brucella ovis) B312 - Avian chlamydiosis
B152 - Caprine and ovine brucellosis (excluding B. ovis) B313 - Pullorum disease
B153 - Caprine arthritis/encephalitis Lagomorphs
B154 - Contagious agalactia B351 - Myxomatosis
B155 - Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia B352 - Tularemia
B156 - Enzootic abortion of ewes (ovine chlamydiosis) B353 - Rabbit haemorrhagic disease
B157 - Ovine pulmonary adenomatosis Fish
B158 - Nairobi sheep disease B401 - Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia
B159 - Salmonellosis (S. abortusovis) B404 - Spring viraemia of carp
B160 - Scrapie B405 - Infectious haematopoietic necrosis
B161 - Maedi-visna B413 - Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis
Equidae B415 - Oncorhynchus masou virus disease
B201 - Contagious equine metritis Molluscs
B202 - Dourine B431 - Bonamiosis (Bonamia exitiosus, B. ostreae, Mikrocytos rough-
B203 - Epizootic lymphangitis leyi)
Veterinary tasks
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B432 - MSX disease (Haplosporidium nelsoni) C620 - Coccidiosis
B433 - Perkinsosis (Perkinsus marinus, P. olseni/atlanticus) C621 - Distomatosis (liver fluke)
B434 - Marteiliosis (Marteilia refringens, M. sydneyi) C622 - Filariosis
B436 - Mikrocytosis (Mikrocytos mackini) C652 - Mucosal disease/Bovine virus diarrhoea
C653 - Vibrionic dysentery
Crustaceans C654 - Warble infestation
B445 - Taura syndrome C701 - Contagious pustular dermatitis
B446 - White spot disease C702 - Foot-rot
B447 - Yellowhead disease C703 - Contagious ophthalmia
Bees C704 - Enterotoxaemia
B451 - Acariosis of bees C705 - Caseous lymphadenitis
B452 - American foulbrood C706 - Sheep mange
B453 - European foulbrood C751 - Equine coital exanthema
B454 - Nosemosis of bees C752 - Ulcerative lymphangitis
B455 - Varroosis C753 - Strangles
Other C754 - Salmonellosis (S. abortusequi)
B501 - Leishmaniosis C801 - Swine erysipelas
C851 - Infectious coryza
LIST C DISEASES C853 - Avian encephalomyelitis
C611 - Listeriosis C854 - Avian spirochaetosis
C612 - Toxoplasmosis C855 - Avian salmonellosis (excluding fowl typhoid and pullorum
C613 - Melioidosis disease)
C614 - Blackleg C856 - Avian leukosis
C615 - Botulism
C616 - Other clostridial infections ZOONOSES (HUMAN CASES)
C617 - Other pasteurelloses E001 - Brucellosis
C618 - Actinomycosis E002 - Salmonellosis
C619 - Intestinal Salmonella infections
Additional sources of information:
INSTRUKCJA G艂贸wnego Lekarza Weterynarii Nr GIWhig-500-7/07 z dnia 4 kwietnia 2007 r. w sprawie zasad post臋powania przy realizacji nadzo-
ru nad badaniami wykonywanymi przez podmioty produkuj膮ce 艣rodki spo偶ywcze pochodzenia zwierz臋cego w zakresie ich bezpiecze艅stwa oraz
kontroli higieny proces贸w produkcji
Instrukcja G艂贸wnego Lekarza Weterynarii Nr GIWhig.500/3/05 z dnia 2 maja 2005r w sprawie post臋powania urz臋dowych lekarzy weterynarii przy
nadzorze realizacji zapis贸w Decyzji Komisji z dnia 8 czerwca 2001 r. 2001/471/WE


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