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"Fourscorc and scvcn ycars ago our fathcrs brought forth on this continent a ncw nation, conoeiyed in libcrty and dcdicatcd to thc proposition that ali men arc crcatcd cqual.
Now wc arc engaged in a great civil war. tesling whether that nation or any nation so conccivcd and so dcdicatcd can long codurc. We arc met on a great battlcficld of that war. We havc comc to dedicatc a portion of that field as a finał rcsting-placc for thosc who herc gavc their livcs that that nation might livc. It is aitogether fitting and proper that wc should do this.
But in a larger sense, wc cannot dedicatc. wc cannot consccratc. wc cannot hallów this ground. The bravc men.
living and dcad who strugglcd herc havc consccratcd it far abovc our poor power to add or dętract. The world will littlc notc nor long remember what wc say herc, but it can ncvcr forget what they did herc. It is for us thc living rather to be dcdicatcd herc to thc unfinished work which they who fought herc havc thus far so nobly advanccd. It is rather for us to be herc dcdicatcd to thc great task rcmaining bcforc us—that from thcsc honored dcad wc takc incrcascd dcvotion to that causc for which they gavc thc last fuli mcasurc of dcvotion-that wc herc highly rcsolyc that thcsc dcad shall not havc died in vain. that this nation under God shall havc a ncw birth of freedom, and that govcmmcnt of thc pcoplc, by thc pcoplc, for thc pcoplc shall not perish from thc carth."