An ancient tomb contains strange hieroglyphics which a team 15 worinng to deopher You can jotn the team once you have demon strated that you imderstand the codes The codes that the team hare managed to decode so far are presented on these tabbed pages You can demonstrate your understandmg by enammlng particutar codes or sentences and then choosing one from five possfcłe interpretatora Sometimes the Information you have will be mcompiete or unusual but there is always some sense to the message You will thecefore need to make your best Judgement based on the codes rather than what you imght expect or what you think is reasonabłe There is ahvays a 'best' answer. whkh makes the most sense based on all the mformaton presented but bear in rmnd that this test is about makmg judgements rather than simpły appłymg rules and logie
1. Sełect from the responses shown the best interpretatlon of the followlng codę:
CK5. 3. BD
A The air is cold and dry B Wist can be very ch#y O C Snów floats m the air O O very cold air feelsdry □ E Misł floats in the air
2. Sełect from the responses shown the best Interpretatlon of the followlng codę:
8 A People think like anmah
B Arumals dont think like we do □ C Some peepłe think ammałs are mtełligent
Table of Codes
Q D Ammałs are less inteftgent than people
O E Many anmah are as dever as us
3. Sełect from the responses shown the best Interpretatlon of the followlng codę:
K(3.5). J4
Q A Put out the fire with tots of water
O B Ram ertmgwshed the fire O C ITs cifficult to hght a fire in a ram storm
O D Rain stopped our fires from bghting
o f The heavy rain puts out the fire