Brussels Innova - 60th Edition

17 > 19 November 2011 Brussels Expo - Hall 10

Silver medal

Pb E-20 FUEL

Inventor: Prof. zw. dr hab. inż. Bogdan ŻÓŁTOWSKI, Prof. Assoc. Valery SIENICKI, mgr inż. Piotr STANOWSKI


im. J.J. Śniadeckich,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Bydgoszcz - Poland

Section: Car industry and road safety

Deseription: The subject of the invention is biofuel and its application as a sole fuel or an additive to (hydrocarbon) petrol fuelling motors with spark ignition, carburettor system and direct fuel injection. The best formulation is 93% vol. of high wines, 4% emulsifier, 2.5% ignition initiator and 0.5% combustion stabiliser. The fuel can be used in mixture with commercial petrol Pb-95 and Pb-98 in proportions 20% to 80% without the need for motor modifications, and as a sole fuel following modifications in motor design. With correctly working and maintained motor the product of combustion is carbon dioxide CO2 within emission standards and steam H2O.


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