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London guidebooks will soon add a ncw place to tłteir list of tourisl attractions. The remains of an Elizabethan1 theatre callcd The Cwtain. reccntly discovcred in East London, will be of spccial valuc to Shakespeare lovcrs. It is probably the place whcrc Shakcspeare’s famous play. Romeo and Jutiei. was perfomied for the lirst time. Just likc other theatres in Shakcspearc's times The Cwtain was probably a round building with a big yard in front ofthestagc. Most of the audiencc stood thcrc. There was also a wooden gallcry around the yard with seats for people who could pay morę. Another interesting fcaturc is that the building had no roof.

The Cwtain was constructed in 1577. earlier than the most famous Elizabethan theatre The Gtolte. Plays were performed in The Cwtain ontil the 1620s. Then it closed down. Many people think that stage curtains wcrc an inspiration for its namc but it’s not tnie. In fact. the theatre took its namc from one of the streets in the area.

Shakespeare and his acting group played in The Cwtain for abóut iwo ycars. Howevcr. they did not like it very much. The audiencc that came to The Cwtain wcrc morę intcreslcd in watching amusing perlormanccs with sword ftghts and acrobats than watching Shakespeare*s plays about unhappy lovcrs or crucl kings. Bccausc his plays wcrc not as popular as hc had hoped. Shakespeare and his players left The Cwtain in 1599. when The Globe flnąlly opencd acrosthe river.

Tlić discoverv of The Cwtain was madc after dcvclopers decidcd to build ncw officcs and residcntial buildings in that part of London. Arehitccts crcatcd an interesting projcct but according to British law. before buildcrs can start any construction, the area musi be carcfully c.xamined by archacologists. And so it was in this case. The remains were discovered by a smali team from the Muscum of London Archaeology. So far they have uncovered only a smali part of the old walls and the yard. bul they hope that much morę of the original theatre is still there. Unfortunatcly. after so many ccnturies. there is no chancc of flnding wooden structures in good condition or pages of Shakespeare^ plays. They are łosi forever. 1 lowever, the muscum cxpcrts are optimistic that they will find some items from the Elizabethan era. for e.xamplc spccial pottery boxe$. similar to modem piggy banks. in which people put coins when they entered the theatre. There were no tickets at the time. people just paid in cash: one penny for a standing place in the yard. and another one if they wanted a seat in the gallery.

New tlats and office buildings are soon going to be built, so the theatre wonT be reconstnicted and we won’t sec modem plays performed there. There was a suggestion to move the remains to some other location. but the idea was rcjected. The plan to make The Cwtain part of a shopping ccntrc was not acceptcd, either. Howcver. the area will be opon to the public and tourists will be able to sec the remains and rcad Information about the site. The building company bclicves that thediscoveiy will make this part of London morę attractivc for futurę buyers and investors. Theatrę snccialists. on the other hami. hooc to attract moro tourists to Shakcspcarc's plays._


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