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Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
In recent years coasteering 9.1. _one of the leading holiday activities in England,
Scotland and Wales. But what is it all about?
Coasteering is an adventure activity that takes place around the rocky coastline. Doing it
9.2._wearing a fuli body wetsuit, white-water helmet and suitable footwear.
Coasteering is practised along the base of sea cliffs, and presents a perfect 9.3. _
to explore caves and different rock formations created by the sea or experience the rise and fali of the ocean waves. Its scariest element is climbing cliffs in order to jump from them into deep water. The cliffs 9.4._from one to ten metres in height.
Coasteering is an extreme activity that can involve high risk depending on the sea and weather conditions, location and the participants’ fitness levels. Therefore, it should only be practised
in the presence of a trained guide. There should be one guide 9.5. _ every seven
participants. Of course, if the sea conditions are morę adverse than usual, or the group’s needs
are greater, the number of guides should 9.6._. And the guides must make surę that
everybody understands and accepts all the safety procedures before entering the water.
A. would become |
A. forces |
A. offer |
B. had become |
B. requires |
B. opportunity |
C. was becoming |
C. needs |
C. suggestion |
D. has become |
D. reąuests |
D. proposal |
9.5. |
9.6. | |
A. rangę |
A. on |
A. have increased |
B. spread |
B. at |
B. be increased |
C. differentiate |
C. for |
C. be increasing |
D. shift |
D. in |
D. have been increased |