Kramer and Irma Grese Will Die With 9 Others for Reich Mur ders

By The Aisoclated Presi.

LUENEBURG, Germany, Nov.|paring appeal petitions. The no-17—Josef Kramer and Irma Grese,'tices must be served withln forty-the monarchs of Belsen, and nine eight hours. Ali the death sen-of thcir staff were sehtenced today tences are expected to be appealed to be hanged for murders and to Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. atrócities at the Belsen and Oswie- Montgomery, cim concentration camps.    The court, which could have de-

Three women in all were ordered creed death bęfore firing squads, to the gallows. The trio heard the decided upon hanging in the tradi-verdicts ąuietly, but later the tional manner of dealing with blond pistol-toting Fraulein Grese, felons.

22 years old, broke into sobs and The court room was packed with another woman wept quietly. German civilians and Brltish sol-Dr. Fritz Klein, SS doctor, also diers witnessing the climax to the was among the elewen sentenced to nine-week-old triaL


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