Dress&Weather is a mobile apptication that allows to check the weother forecast fcr tocay and what is appropriate clothes for such weathec imporlantly. Oress&Wealher gives its usors the abibty to purchase presontod cio-tfrng erd make you morę famillar wlth the cur-rentfashiontrends
Aleksandra Kolosinska. Akademickie Inkubatory
Platform: Android
AvaRability: TheOngomg Project
Co jest 5 is a mobte applcation thol agregales information about ©vent$ in Lodź induding entcrtainmont ovonts and meat/drinks/othor prorroticn In restaurants and pobs Ths mobile app has two way how user can (ind what he is loolong for. The first function is checkhg by datę and the second function - check events which are the nearest user. Furthermore. this app hav© others user-friendly functions
CUent: Co Jest 5
Platform: Android. iOS
Avałlability: The Ongomg Project
iFinestra is a mobil© applicotion ©nabling oo© to design Windows by th© entering spec>fc dimensions. choosog the number of wings. th© matenal and many mor© By the means o< the mobile app the users wrtl be able to pocę the order iFinestra is recommeoded for Windows producers (who will be able to create the customer base) and people mterested in buying Windows
Client. Grzegorz PalubsKi
Platform: iOS
Availability: Th© Ongoing Project