Computer and multimedia teaching create and intemalize the following positive aspects (Sharples et al., 2006):
■ the emergence of a stimulating environment will become the basis for the independent search, buildlng and implementation of the program,
■ autonomy and consistency in thinking and work,
■ while experiencing learning and working with a Computer, the refiexive com-ponent is reinforced in the intemal dialogue, the pupil becomes morę aware of his / her own position during learning, gains insight into the genesis of his / her knowledge, contributes to the deve!opment of creativity,
■ sdentific discovery on models of the real worid, the pupil leams to rationally acquire information and according to them to decide, deprives himself of the sense of dependence,
■ creating habits in the direction of hypothesis creation and verification, creat-ing the optima! solution.
According to Tapscott (2009), opponents of digital education see morę flaws in it, talking at their own pace, and the individual method is not quite right. According to them, it is a pseudo individualization, because not a pupil, but the program itself decides on the educational method and its course. The student can only operate with the program embedded. They talk about the pseudo-diary because the pupil does not communicate with the Computer, it is also a serious problem to point out that in such teaching, the emotional and educational aspects of education are completely lost. Education is tom from the pupil, from life, there is a lack of connection with the real experience of the pupil. However, we do not have to agree with this argument, the Computer is basically a diagnosis, because it is able to ascertain how the learner really understood how he can apply it. Although the benefits of introducing computers into teaching are indisputable, it is right to draw attention to some of the risks stemming from reflection and also from digital learning experiences. In literacy. we often encounter the concept of machinę intellect, which is limited and threatens to transfer the pupil‘s thinking. This means that excessive focus on strict adherence to the program may become a bottleneck of creativity, threatening the emergence of stereotyping and unilat-eral thinking in the pupil. We can say that, on the one hand, some of the active activities that are typical of the traditional situations of education are reduced. and on the other hand the Computer (especially where it is available at home) can become addfcted to the family life, school, in the collective.
The entire 20th century is characterized by the massive emergence of revolution-ary Information and communication technologies for recording, transmitting and multiplying Information at a very fast pace. Techniques are continually improv-ing and cameras, computers, mobile phones are getting bigger. In the 1980s and 1990s. digital technology was the biggest breakthrough in the company’s new understanding of information technology. The introduction of the Internet has created a single global network in which it is possible to communicate and find an unlimited number of in-formations in a very short time (fig.3). The information society can be characterized as a society based on the integration of information
Figurę 3: The current model of dtgital literacy
Source (BECTA, 2004)