

Ground Beetles (Carabidae) in the Short-Rotation Coppice Willow and Poplar Plants—Synergistic Benefits System

Natalia Stefania Piotrowska Stanisław Zbigniew Czachorowski1 and Mariusz Jerey Stolarski»

1 Depaitmmt oJ i iolop' and Fjwironnsrntal ItotKlkn F jrulty o< Bftitogy and Biotrchnology, L'mvtnlly <il Wai mu and Mazury in Olsztyn, (Tac (AlAi X l(V727 OH/tyn. Poiand.

Stanisław <7Achorow*ki*u«nn cdu p4

1 IV|utłmmt ol Hani Hrrcding and Scrd PosJurtson. Facutty ot F/wtrewwneotal Maisagcmrnt and Agnoulturc. L'nlvmity ol Wamsu and Mazury in Olsztyn, (Tac todzki 3. 10-724 Oła/tyn. Poiand.

marius/stoUf ukiOuwm odu pi * Comnpondmor nataba ploUomialMiiin cdu pi

Reorivcd: 24 Octubrr 2020. Accrplrd U Dccrmhcr 2020. PuNislsrd 18 Dcvrmbrr 2020

Abstract: Ina shorl pniud, »c havc «*bservrd lt«- rapu! es ;\msi< <» ot bioenergy, rcsullmg in gruwth in Hm- arra ol energy aops. In Europę. willow and poplar growing in shołt-rutation eoppices (SK( | •in- popular bioenergy crops Their potmtul tmpact on biodiyenity haa not yet bwn fully inycstigatcd. Ihcrefont, i herc arc many uncertainties regarding whether ctimmcrcul production ran CMUC environment«l degradation and biodiyrruty impoycnshmont One ot tb»* aspects eomintd is i ho impact of Ihcsc crops on entomofauna and ccmyctrm servicrs The bs~st-stud»cd insect group is ground beetles Irom the CdrofoJat lamiiy. This worfc gathers data on btodiversily and the functions of carabids in willow and poplar energy pianb Ihe rcsults of these imestigataons show that energy SRC plants and Carabidse communiho can erratę a synergistic system of mutual benefits. Willow and poplar plants can be a valuab!c habitat due to the inereased biodiyrruty of entomofauna. Additionally, SRC croatos a trans tional cnyironmcnt that allows insect migration bctwcen isolated populationc On the other hand. ground beertes arc suppliers of ccosystcm serviccs and make a sigruticant contribution to the building of susiamabte agriculture by pest control. thereby atnelioratinc d amant to field aon.


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