Ou* to th« Wchnology us*d, th« cut-off wali* ar* fmpermeable, so Ihaf walor < eannof penotrate the struclores p. protectod during mining conatructkM jk worifc
I Thoso fiydroinsufatłon cut-off wafla aro | of the appropriate mechanical atrangdi | andensure suitable resistanco to the ■ hydrostaf/c pressure occasioned by . undergroundwater.
Tb* materia) used in the constructłon of (ha cut-off walls la fifghly anticorrosfvc and effeethre agałnst wat ara with different typaa of mineralization
The materiał used In the construction of the cut-off wafla is easily avaliable, cheap and have no negative impact on tho amironment
Our oxperlenca, technology and modern technical equipment permil ua to offer our Solutions in;
•the renoyation of embankmantaand waterbasins
of hydroinMtation ^Woundafions of newly ^■Jgineertng structures
atte dumps and Otta waata, tha ł minę waste
utationof water avations and ionsasan
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