Inside the PM-175. The PM-350 looks very similar, having a larger power transformer and a smali cooling fan to the right of the heatsink extrusion. The triac and capacitors are at lower right.
magnetic field amplifiers have bcen de-velopcd and refined from the original “magie cube” M-400 model, and the modcls PM-175 and PM-350 shown herc are from the latest rangę. Thcyłre nomi-nally rated at 175W per channcl and 350W per channcl rcspcctively, into 8 ohm loads and with both channels driven. Howcver the PM-175 can also delivcr 300W per channcl into 2 ohm loads, or 500W into a single 8 ohm load in mono bridging modę. Similarly the PM-350 can delivcr up to 450W per channcl into 2 ohm loads, or no less than 900W into a single 8 ohm load jn bridging modę.
All this from boxes which, although theyłrc rather morę conventional look-ing than the first Carver amp, can still be lifted in one hand — although in the case of the PM-350, not for very long!
Howłs it all done? Weil, one aspect of Carverłs “magnetic field” principle is that it uses a spccial power transformer, with a dclibcrately high leakage induct-ancc in the 240V primary winding. A
— but taking this principle still further. In this case the transformer secondary
Then about eight ycars ago, the audio and hi-fi magazines all began buzzing [ ' with news of a radically new “magnetic
field” amplificr design that was capable of producing incrediblc amounts of audio power, fiom a tiny box. The new design had bcen devclopcd by Bob Carver, a US cnginccr-entrcprcncur who had prcviously bcen the founder of Phase Lincar Systems (wherc he had developcd the PL super amps, and a noise icduction system bascd on auto-
f corrclation).
At first the details of the new ap-proach were very sketchy, and sccmed to consist of littlc morę than marketing , “hypc”. But gradually the design details emerged, and it was scen that Bob Carver rcally had madę a highly innova-
\ tivc contribution to the tcchnology. His
company Carvcr Corporation flour-ished, and sińce then it has diversified into other areas such as FM tuners and CD players — all with the innovative I Carver touch.
Along the way the firm’s original
triac dcvice is conncctcd in scrics with the primary, and is fed with a control i
signal derivcd from the amplifier’s audio input signal (via an opto coupler for isolation). W hen thcre’s littlc or no signal, the triac is barely turncd on, and l
the power drawn from the mains is quite Iow — hence the cool operation.
But w hen the signal inereases, the triac
turns on and delivcrs morę power. ł
A bank of capacitors also conncctcd )
in the transformer primary Circuit are uscd to create a icsonant Circuit. The purpose of this is to make use of the energy stored in the transformcrłs leakage inductance, to allow the power sup-ply to delivcr pulses of power extremcly rapidly in response to audio signal peaks. And this is esscntially the “mag-nctic field” principle, as far as we havc bcen able to dcterminc.
However along with this tcchniquc,
Carvcr also uses the idea of dynamie
supply yoltage switching on the DC sidc
ELECTRONICS Australia. September 1987