Unfortunately .al present. hunian being is able to see the planets only by a telescope. We can only imagine how it is to be on other planets but by far we can only dream about visiting planets as easy as we travel from one town to anothcr.


Science focuses on doing researches thanks to which nowadays we can benefit from. Thanks to the scientists we can lead easy life without worrying about trivial things such as how to produce a fire. Some people claim that it is not right to spend do much money on space research when people on Earth are starving but I think that it is worth doing space researches because thanks to it we know morę about ourselvcs and whcrc we come from. From the beginning human beings asked themselves what the universe is hiding from us. If it wasn’t for scientists people up to now wonld think tliat the Eartli is fiat and that oiu planet is in the center of the solar system. I believe that if we have modem technologies we have to use them to make sonie progress. If we won’t we will be morę like people from past centuries.

Nonetheless. it is strange to me that in such a modem society we forget about others who suffer from hunger and are starving in many placcs in the world. We should take carc of those people but in fact we are blind to see how awful it is not to have food to eat. Govcmmcnt should do somcthing about it but in fact cvcry country is trying to fit the nceds of the society.

Despite of all disadvantages I believe that space research should be continued no matter what. One day it may benefit all of us in case of danger (a meteor).


Studying on University mostly requires to make a lot of effort to pass all examinations during the whole school year. But in my opinion a student has also to be strong in certain situations and be determined to finish what he have started. I believe that it is neccssary to develop a sense of responsibility and work hard. Sometimes students have to sacrifice their free time in weekends, or some important events in their life just to pass an important examination. It happens very often that students study all night long because they wereiTt systematic in learning and have to make that up by one night. Student has to have strength to ovcrcomc some problems before taking an cxamination such as overcoming strcss. Student also has to believe in himself and be confident about his knowledge. Even if something goes wrong good student should know that cverybody make mistakes and cvcrybody dcscrvcs another chance.


First of all, the ones who are unemployed should raise their qualifications. Unemployed people should take part in some courses in order to get back to work. Nowadays Thcre are a lot of opportunities for people who are unemployed. For instance they can go and make a language course because it is required every where. Some people choosc to go abroad and there they look for a job. Mostly their pay is much higher than in their country. The situation is pretty similar here in Poland. Nowadays morę and morę people ,young and old, go abroad for example to Germany or Belgium to pursue a well paid job. Here they are unemployed due to many factors. Each of us can at least try to avoid unemployment either by changing qualifications or moving to another place where it is easier to find a job.


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