prre«/lovć |
teraz niej si ość |
przyszłość | |
1 walked to schód (1. You He. SI*. li |
1 walk to uhool (1. You We. They) |
1 will walk toulwol (L You. He. She. It) | |
Hf drovr lo sdiod We, You, Tltejr) |
Hf walki to uhool (Hf. Slir, II) |
Hr will walk to uhod We. You Thry> | |
Did you walk? Yes.Idid Na 1 didnt |
Do you walk? Yes. 1 do No, 1 dou'l |
Will sou walk? Yes. 1 will / Na 1 wont | |
Did lir dnvr? Yrv lif did >’No lir tlidn'1 |
Don he walk7 Yes, hr don / No lir donn't. |
Will lir walk7 Yrv he wdl No hr wan t |
1 didn’l walk lo sdiod [ d»d noł - didh t) |
1 daai't walk lo school |
1 wini walk to sdiod | |
czas |
He didn 't dnve to schooL |
He donn'! walk to uhool |
He wou't walk to uhool |
prosty | |||
1 w# walking to schód al 7 am ( L He. She. li ) |
1 .uii w alking to srltool now (1) |
1 will be w .ilking to school lomonow (1. You. Hf. Shf | |
You were walkingto uhool tl*ii (You. We. The)) |
You .irr walking touliool now (You We. Tliey) Heis walkingto utiod now ( |
He will be walking to sdiod tomonow It. We, Tliey) | |
Were they walking to sdiod ? |
Will vou be walking to school lomonow? | ||
Yes. they were.! No they weren'1 |
Are you walkingtouliool7 Yes, 1 .au./No l'in not |
Yes. 1 will NoI worTt |
Ws hr walking to sdiool? |
It lir w.ilking to school7 Yes.lieis /Noheisn'1 |
Will he be walkingto uhod tomonow? | |
Yes. lic wa». / Nohe w .mi t |
Yes. he nil. / No he won-t | ||
czas | |||
ciągły |
1 w.wiri walking tosrhool. |
Ciii not walkingto schód [ 1 ani not = 1'm not ] |
1 wmi be walkingto uhool tomonow |
You wrrm’l w.ilking lo school (wrtr not - wetfn'l) |
You ar«n’l walkingto schód. ( atf not - areii'1) |
Hr won'1 be walking to uhool tomcrrow | |
He v. aiiTt waking to schód {was nor = tsntj |
He i«n't walking to uhool (is not - tsn t ] | ||
1 luid nifd obvrs ( |
1 havetiifd diset (1. You We. Tliey ) |
1 will h<ise Imished a | |
Hf liad drism BMW We. You They ) |
Hf hai dris en BMW ( Hr. She. It > |
Hr w ill liave gone | |
II ad vai tiifd olises7 Yrv 1 No III.wini |
ll.isr you tned olis rs7 Yes, 1 have No 1 has nO |
Will sou hase fmisłird it? Yes, 1 will / No 1 wan't | |
Had she diiim BMW' Yes. she had t No. she hadn t |
Has she drisen BMW? Yes. she has / No. shf taB'1 |
Will she liavr gone? Yes shewill No shf u on 't |
1 li.idn i mtd dis es {liad not = hadni 1 |
1 liasort oied olisrs. yet |
1 wou'1 luise tuiislird it | |
czas |
Hr Ii.kIii'I drivm BMW |
He ha'ii'1 drivni BMW. yet |
Hr won't h.isr gone |
porfocl |