




the USA








Holland the Netherlands Belgi um

the Czech Republic

She is from..

He is from..

Where is he from? Skąd on pochodzi?

He’s from Rnssia.

Where is she from? Skąd ona pochodzi?

She's from Poland.

Where are you from?

I’m from Poland

ĆWICZENIA-3 (29.11.08.)

Where are you from? Pm from Brazil.

WhaPs his name? His name’s Luis.

Wliat’s her name? Her name’s Irena.

Where's he from?? His from Madrid.

How are you? Fine. Thanks.

Where*s Toronto? It's in Canada.

Pm a teacher.

He is student./ He’s student.

He’s an actor.

She’s an actress.

Włiat are their names? She's Glenna and he's Miguel./ There are names Glenna and Miguel. Where are they from? She's from Canada and he’s from Brazil.

Where is his schód? It's in the centre of Rio.

Where is her hospital? It’s in the centre of Rio.

What’s your job? Pm a doctor.

WhaPs his job? He's a teaclier.



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