I. raoney paid regulariy by the govemment to people who have no job UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT
Z raoney paid by the govemment to soraeone who is too ill to work S1CKNESS BENEFIT
3. the Iowest aniount of raoney that an eraployercan legally pay to a worker MINIMUM WAGĘ
4. damage cansed by a company's activities for wliich it does not pay, or soniething positive created by it for which it does not receive paynient
5. the basie systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, tliat a country or organization uses in order to work effectively
6. a tax that you have to pay on your inconie, which is usually Iiiglier for people with larger incoraes INCOME TAX
7. a tax on personal property and financial assets above a particular Ievel WEALTH TAX
8. a tax that is paid at each stage in the production of goods or services, and by the finał customer VALUE-ADDED TAX
9. a tax that is paid at a single ratę at all levels of inconie FLAT TAX
10. a tax in which the ratę of tax is Iiiglier on larger aniounts of raoney PROGRESSIVE TAX
II. a tax in which poor people pay a Iiiglier percentage of tiieir inconie than rich people REGRESSIVE TAX
12. a tax paid by people wlien tliey buy goods or services SALES TAX
13. tax on the profits madę from selling soniething you own CAPITAL GAINSTAX
14. a tax paid on raoney or property you have received from soraeone wlio lias died INHERITANCE TAX
15. ways of illegally paying less tax than you should TAX EVASION
16. the reduction, by legał niethods, of the aniount of tax tliat a person or company pays TAX AVOIDANCE
17. a place where people pay less tax than they would pay if they lived in tiieir own country TAX HAVEN
18. a smali raistake in an agreenient or law which gives soraeone tlie chance to avoid having to do soniething LOOPHOLE
19. the fonii on which you have to give infomiation so tliat your tax can be calculated TAX RETURN
20. to officially say tliat people must pay a tax orcliarge LEVY
21. a tax raade by a goveriunent on sonie types of goods pnoduced and used witliin tiieir own country EXCISE
22. a tax paid on goods that are iniported CUSTOMS DUTY
23. a situation in which a company or investnient loses raoney in a particular period, so tliere is no tax to pay on it, and in sonie cases tax paid on profits in previous periods can be got back
24. a reduction in the aniount of tax that lias to be paid TAX RELIEF