Zamień podane zdania tak. aby nie zmieniać ich znaczenia Należy użyć czasowników modalnych podanych obok kaZdego zdania.
Przykład: l'm surę he‘s forgotten something MUST He must have forgotten something
I. You are not allowed to walk on the grass.
2 Please stop talking
3 Do you have to leave so soon?
4. I dont believe it*s ten o‘dock
5. You'd better cali the police.
6 Perhaps he's lost the address 7. Why don't you go to the library?
8 Please sit down
9. He apologized. but it wasn t necessary. 10.1 was wrong to say it was your fault.
II. He‘s bound to have heard the news.
12. He wasn t able to lift the piano. COULD
13. It's forbidden to enter the building. CAN
14 łt‘s just possible that the phone is out of order MIGHT
15. He used to smoke his pipę in the evenmgs. WOULD
16. Let me help you. CAN
17. She doesn t work hard enough. OUGHT
18. I insist that you do as I say. MUST
19. We didn't cali the doctor because it wasn‘t necessary. NEED
20. Do you know how to make an omełette? CAN
21. Why dont we go for a walk? SHALL
22. Perhaps there's been an accident COULD
23. You're not allowed to look, MUST
24. It s possible that she s visiting her parents. MAY
25. You are not obliged to say anything. NEED
26. You can tełl he's making a lot of money. MUST
27.1 wish l'd tried harder OUGHT
28. Do you mind if I sit here? MIGHT