II Put the verb in the correct form.



The accident _


The storm_

The doctors _ My new dress


The girl_


I _


_(discover) this island in 1787.

_(be) nothing to worry about.

_(happen) three years ago.

_(want) to take a taxi, but John said it_

_(be) near.

_(do) tlieir best to save her.

_(cost) only £20.

_(write)    a short message for their mother.

_(can)    smell tlie flowers.

__ (you pick) the Iast rosę?

(be) it your idea to invite them?

_(not know) what to say to him.

_(have) a shower an hour ago.

_(you do) any sightseeing in Romę?

(not be) worth it.

III    Correct mistakes.

He buyed some new shoes.

Where you went yesterday?

You see Jane last week?

Did she got the job?

I went out last evening.

He studyed French at schodl.

What had you for breakfast?

I was in New York the last week.

IV    Ask about the underlined part of the sentence. I went to the cinema.

She bought a new dress-

Yesterday I ate a cake.


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