representing morę than 20 iiationalides, located in New York across from United Nations headqnarters. IPI is dedicated to promoting tbe prevention and setdement of conflicts between and within States by strengthening international peace and security institutions. To achieve its purpose, IPI employs a mbc of policy research, convening, publishing and outreach.”

= (IPI) is an independent non-profit research and policy deveIopment institution based in New York. IPI specializes in multilateral approaches to peace and security issues, working closely with tlie Secretariat and membership of tlie United Nations. IPI’s primary objective is to promote effective international responses to new and emerging issues and crises tlirough research. analysis, and policy development

e)    Worid Peace Council: http://www.wpc-in.org

(W PC) is an anti-imperialist, democratic. independent and non-aligned international movement of mass action. It is an integral part of tlie worid peace movement and acts in cooperation with other International and national movements. The WPC is the laigest International Peace structure, based in morę than 100 countries. Since its creation in 1949-50, the WPC stood for peace. disarmament and giobal security; for national independence, economic and social justice and development, for protection of tlie eiwironment, luiman rights and cultural heritage; solidarity with and support of those peoples and liberation movements fighting for tlie independence. sovereignty and integrity of tlieir countries. and against imperialism.

= is an anti-imperialist. non-aligned international peace movemenL As an non-goveramental oiganization (NGO) member of tlie United Nations, the WPC cooperates with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United NationsConference onTrade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Industrial Development Oiganization (UNIDO). Internadonal Labour Organization (ŁO) and other UN specialized agencies, special committees and departments. It also cooperates with tlie Non-Aligned Movement, tlie African Union, the League of Arab States and other inter-govemmental bodies.

f)    Pugwash Conferences on Science and Worid Affairs : http://www.pugwash.oig/

= is an international organization that brings togetlier scholars and public figur es to work toward reducing the danger of armed conflict and to seek Solutions to giobal security threats. It was founded in 1957 by Joseph Rotblat and Bertrand Russell in Pugwash. Nova Scotia, Canada. following tlie release of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in 1955.

Rotblat and Russell joindy won die Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 for efforts on nuclear disarmameriL International Student/Young Pugwash groups have existed sińce 1979.

The first conference was lield in July 1957 in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, hence the organizations name. It was organized by Joseph Rotblat who served as secretary-general of the organization from its inception until 1973. The Russell-Einstein Manifesto became the Pugwash Conferences' founding charter.

Officers ind ud e the president, secretary-general and executive director. Formal govemance is provided by the twenty-eight-person Pugwash Council, wliich serves for five years. There is also a six-member executive comminee diat assists die secretary-general. Jayantha D ha napa la is die current president.

The four Pugwash offices, in Romę, London, Geneva, and Washington D.C., provide support for Pugwash activities and serve as liaisons to the United Nations and other intemationa) organizations.

There are morę than forty national Pugwash groups. organized as independent entities and often supported or administered by national academies of science.

The International Student/Young Pugwash groups works with, but are independent from, die international Pugwash group.

g)    PAX Christi: http://wwwpaxchristi.net/inteniationaLeng/index.php

„Pax Christi International is a non-profit, non-governmental Catholic peace movement working on a giobal scalę on a wide variety of issues in die fields of human rights, human security, disarmament and demilitarisation, just worid order and religion and violent conflict.

Pax Christi Inteniational was started in 1945 as an organisation of Cadiolics in Europę who wanted to promote reconciliation at die end of the Second World War.

Pax Christi Inteniational is madę up of a numberof autonomous Member Organisations, affiliated, local groups and partners spread over 50 countries and 5 continents. Most of die regular work at die inteniational level is done tlirough regional and Continental consultations and special sessions on specific issues.

Pax Christi Inteniational s goveming bodies include a Triennial World Assembly. an Executive Committee with an Inteniational Co-Presidency, currendy held by Marie Dennis and Msgr. Kevin Dowling. The day-to-day operations are carried out by die Secretariafs Office in Bmssels.

Representation and advocacy are integral to Pax Christi IntemationaTs work. Pax Christi Inteniational is


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