b)    The Club of Romę: http://www.clubofrome.org/eng/home/

= is a global think tank tliat deals with a variety of intemational political issues. Founded in 1968 at Davld Rockefeller^ estate in Bellagio, Italy, tlie CoR describes itself as "a group of worid citizens, sharing a common concem for tlie futurę of humanity." It consists of current and former Heads of State, UN bureaucrats, high-level politicians and govemment officials, diplomats, ścieniists. economists, and business leaders from around the globe .It raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report The Limits to Gnowth. Tlie club States that its mission is "to act as a global catalyst for change through tlie Identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and tlie communication of such problems to tlie most important public and private decision makers as well as to tlie generał public." Since 1 July 2008, tlie oiganization has its headąuarters in Winterthur, SwitzeHand.

The Club of Romę was founded in April 1968 by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, and Alexander King a Scottish scientisL It was formed when a smali intemational group of people from tlie fields of academia, civil society, diplomacy, and industry, met at a villa in Romę, Italy, hence tlie name.

According to its website, the Club of Romę is cotnposed of "scientists, economists. businessmen. intemational high civil servants, heads of State and former heads of State from all five continents who are convinced tliat the futurę of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies."

c)    Worid Speace League: http://www.woridspaceleague.com/index2.html

d)    Institute for Futurę Studies : http://www.funirestudies.otg/

„Tlie IFS is a young non-profit institution of applied research, which focuses on selected topics of futurę learning and work and the promotion of lifelong leaming. The institute was founded by tlie Association for Flexible Leaming and is located in Innsbruck/Ziri, Tyrol (Austria). Tlie IFS mission is to provide active support in applying innovative ways of leaming and gening a vision a bont futurę challenges of leaming education and training The institute investigates current trends, analyses possibilities and risks in society and examines conseąuences on professional and private lives It tries to ensure morę effective and cost-efficient education and responds to tlie increasing need to get oriented about the futurę of leaming and tlie roles of technologies in education.

Within a socio-economic context the IFS analyses tlie different di men sio ns of leaming from a pedagogical, oiganisational and technological perspective. Astrong emphasis is given to research on tlie futurę use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for different contexts of leaming (formal, non-formal and informal leaming) and their combination in education and training and at work Scientific work is relating to flexible leaming approaches and ways to decrease leaming barriers. Here, special consideration is given to both individuals and groups with specific needs. The latest projects focus on the needs of tlie ageing population and design-for-all reąuirements.

Current focus is set on:

•    Emeiging educational theories. models and their application, e.g learning styles, oiganisational models for training and leaming and “new learning cultures”, Research on eLeaming in SMEs, collaboration in Communities of Practice

•    Competence based approaches: Validation and documentation of informal leaming processes. harmonisation of European certification schemes and training materiał for IT professionals

•    Course development: Development and evaluation of European eTtitor training eLeaming course design, Innovative practices in science education

•    Carreer guidance and competence development

•    Evaluation of leaming and training activities

•    ICT in education and training: 3D-environments for education and leaming “Social Software” applied in leaming and working contexts

•    Accessibility issues and activities relating to elnclusion of people with specific needs

A variety of projects contribute to reflections, insights and Solutions in school education, liigher education, vocational training / continiung education and training, teacher training and otlier public and private institutions such as informal leaming providers (museums, libaries etc.) and companies (SMEs etc.).

IFS staff is providing support to the European Commisson and its agencies, intemational networks such as


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