Martin Luther King (1929-68) the most important leader of the US civil nglits movement. King was an Afńcan-American Baptist minister who led a senes of peacefnl campaigns against segregation in the Southern States. In 1957 he established the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1963 he led about 250 000 people on a protest march to Washington, DC, where he madę lns famous T have a dream’ speech at tlie Lincoln Memoriał. He was awarded tlie Nobel Prize for peace in 1964. He was murdered four years later ui Memphis, Tennessee, by Earl Ray. King^s wite, Coretta Scott King (1927- ) has continued his work. His birtliday, 15 )anuary, is an official holiday in many States.
the Great Socicty a plirase used by US President Lyndon Johnson in 1964 to explain wliat his new social and econonuc programmes could achieve. He wanted to create a society in whicli all Ameńcans were equal and tliere was no poverty. As part of tliis aim, JohnsoiPs govemment created the Medicare and Medicaid medical programmes, the Head Start educational programme for poor cluldren and tlie US Department of Housing and Urban Development. It also passed tlie Voting Riglits Act.
Medicare the US goYernmenPs medical programme maniły for people over tlie age of 65. It began in 1965 and is part of tlie social security system. It pays part of the costs of hospitals and offers additional medical Insurance to people who pay an amoiuit eacli montli. Medicare costs tlie govemment morę tlian was originally expected and its futurę is tlie subject of much political debate.
Medicaid tlie US goyemmenPs medical programme for people imder the age of 65 who have Iow liicomes. It lielps to pay the cost of doctors, dentists, hospitals, drugs, medicines and otlier items. Medicaid began in 1965, is operated by tlie individual States and is paid for by national, State and county governments.
Robert F Kennedy (Robert Francis Kennedy 1925-68) a US Attorney General (1961—4) appointed by his older brotlier, President Jolin F Kennedy. He was also informally called Bobby Kennedy or RFK. He strongly supported the civil rights movement and better conditions for poor people. After his brotlier was murdered, Kennedy remained Attorney General imder President Johnson4 until he was elected in 1964 to the US Senate. He wanted to be tlie Democratic candidate for President in 1968, but was murdered by Sirlian Sidian on tlie day he won tlie Califomia pńmary election.
Betty Friedan (1921— ) a US writer and feminist (= a person who believes strongly tliat women sliould have the same nglits and opportimities as men). She began tlie National Organization for Women in 1966 and was its President until 1970. Her book Tlie Feminine Mystique (1963) was an important influence on tlie women>s lib movement. Friedan later wrote The Second Stage (1981) and Tlie Fountain of Age (1993).