Andrew, liis older brother. In the end. Antonio must leam to make his own choices, drawing from the wisdom and experience of his family, but not being limited by tlieir wishes and perspectives.

Learning and Education

Ultima once predicts vaguely tliat Antonio will be a “man of learning.” Many scenes in tlie book explore Antonios education, both religious (his Communion classes) and academic (his school classes). Antonio’s growth and development serve as examples of education. Ultima believes tliat eveiy experience helps inform one’s identity and perspective on life. Bless Me, Ultima is the story of Antonios growth from childhood to maturity. His progress is represented by his gradually expanding education, both in the classroom and in his own introspective interpretation of his experience.

Tolerance and Understanding

Ultima represents tire importance of tolerance and understanding. Though she comes from an indigenous mystical tradition. she openly acknowledges the value of the Catholic faith. She also encourages Antonio to draw from the various conflicting sers of ideals tliat define his outlook. Learning tlie importance of tolerance marks Antonio s growth, especially as he begins to realize tliat some religious may be better suited to some people than to others, as Florence is seemingly better suited to the faith of the golden carp than to Catholicism.


The Golden Carp

Tlie golden carp represents a magical religious order not connected to Catholicism. Tlie golden carp legend offers its own brand of wisdom, comfort, and morał guidance. Witliin tlie context of the novel’s diemes, tlie carp suppoits tlie idea tliat every religious tradition offers different, but eąually valid, lessons about tlie world. Antonio first rejects the golden carp, feeling tliat he is abandoning God by simply pursuing an interest in the magical hsh. He learns later tliat the carp can actually help in his endeavor to draw from all the cultural and religious sources available to him in crafting his own identity and finding his own answers.

Ultima’s Owi

Ultima’s owi represents herlife force and the power of her religious mysticism. The owi sings softly outside Antonio s window at niglit. Its song symbolizes Ultima’s comforting presence in Antonio’s life and tlie protective power of her magie. At tlie end of tlie novel, Tenorio’s kil ling of the owi literally destroys Ultima’s life force and leads very quickly to her deatli. Antonio equates Ultima witli tlie owi—wlien he buries it, he says tliat he is really burying Ultima.

The Virgin of Guadalupe

Mana's stanie of the Virgin of Guadalupe symbolizes forgiveness, understanding. and the resoluńon of cultural conflicL The story of the dark-skinned Virgin represents the reconciliation of tlie European Catholic Church widi tlie indigenous culmre of Antonio s homeland. Antonio nims to tlie Viigin repeatedly when he is frustrated by his failure to find a forgiving god.


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