conventions of literary natnralism. While not apologizing for Bigger's crimes, Wright is sympathetic to tlie systemie inevitability beliind tliem. The novel is a powerful statement about racial inequality and social iujustices so deep that it becomes nearly impossible to determine where societal expectations/conditioning end and free will begins. As Biggeris lawyer points out, there is no escape from tliis destiny for his Client or any otlier black American, sińce they are tlie necessary product of the society that fonned them and told them sińce birth wito exactly tliey were supposed to be. "No American Negro exists," Wright once wrote "who does not have his private Bigger Thomas living in his skuli." Frantz Fanon discusses tliis feeling in his 1952 essay L'Experience Vecue du Noir, or "Tlie Fact of Blackness". "In the end," writes Fanon, "Bigger Thomas acts. To put an end to his tension, he acts, he responds to the worlds anticipation.”

■    Revolutionary book; set in tlie black glietto of tlie south side of Chicago

■    Bigger Thomas - two murders, w white and black woman, the 1'* murder in an a

■    Killing rat - stmggle for survival - fascination with natnralism

■    He meets a gid wlio is veiy much interested in African American issues; tliey go out togetlier, she invites him to liis hoine. In some sense, she would like to seduce liim. Girl starts to yell. Black boy in a noom of a white gid. He wants to quiet her. Puts in her moutli; tenified, kills her.

■    2"d part of the novel - description of tlie trial - the idea of story influenced by Dreiser American Tragedy

■    Mixes natnralism witli the Gotliic, even surreal, constant fear

■    The description of Chicago, gritty urban landscape, different districts, Iow and upper class -contrast between tliese two worids; unreal city

■    Bigger - a product of certain racial, social and economic practices; poverty, lack of oppommities

■    The lawyer - tries to expłain he’s a human being

■    Book about realization of one’s humanity

■    No messages to understand his role of wliat had happened; different situation, specifically in urban areas of the US; high crime ratę not so much a proof of lack of morality but condition tliey live in - cali of improvement of urban gliettos

■    After publication, the autlior left for Mexico, moved to Parts where he spent tlie rest of his life

■    The Outsider

■    Savage Holiday

The Long Dream


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