J.F. Allen and N.G. Holmes

lięfł source ]heat filter

ngnre 2. General laynut of an oxygen clcctrudc system.

Figurę 3. Rank (left) and Hansatcch (right) oxyj.cn clcctrodcs, assemblcd and mounted on magnetk stirrers.

Al the cathode:

02 + 2H20 + 2e~ - H202 + 20H" H202 + 2c" - 20H*

At the anodę:

4 Ag — 4 Ag+ + 4c"

4 Ag+ + [4 Cl“l - 4 AgCI

The KCł solution in the vicinity of the platinum cathode is separated from the reaction mixturc by a thin membranę (usually of Teflon) which is freely permeablc to oxygcn.



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