■ The essay in włiich he describes tlie circumstances in which he composes famous poem “Raven” -single poeiic - read!
■ The link of tlie poem how he determines sound - nespeciable of rhythmic effect
■ The choice of tlie bird - a raven which would represent as the most important symbol
■ Doesn ’t say anything about inspiration
■ He believes only in the craft and the spirit of writing - the poetic prindple
How Poe judges bad poetry and what are these criteria for this poetry?
Twice-Told Tales
■ a short story collection in two volnmes by Nathaniel Hawihorne. Edgar Allan Poe wrote a well-known two-part review of Twice-Told Tales. ptiblished in the April and May 1842 issues of the Broadway Journal. Poe criticized Hawthome's reliance on allegory and tlie didactic, something he called a "heresy" to American literamre. He did, however, express praise at tlie use of short stońes (Poe was a tale-writer liimself) and said they "rivet tlie attention" of tlie reader. Poe admitted, "Tlie style of Hawthonie is purity itself. His tonę is singularly effective—wild. plaintive, thoughtful, and in fuli accordance witli his themes." He concluded that, "we look upon him as one of the few men of indisputable genius to whom our country has as yet given birth.,,Ifl Henry Wadsworth Longfellow referted to the collectiotfs "The Gentle Boy" as "on the whole, die finest tliing he ever wrote".
■ Pracńcally the 1*' cntical attempt to define characteristics of a short story which he calls “the tera”
■ Poe claims that the short story is much better from than the novel - he wrote only 1 novel
Primary criteria of short stories
■ The unity of effect - a literały work should be read at one sitting the process of reading in unintemipted
■ Poetry was better for exploration of beauty
Novels explore the truth