O The Over-soul - an essay by Ralph Wal do Emerson, first publislied in 1841. key concept; divine elements. all the creatures ihat are iiihabitants madę humans and naturę sacred - anthropological and epidemiological assumption.
O Self-Reliance - the history of Self-Reliance has its origin earlier, begins with the appearance of lst group of settlers - Puritans were self-relianL Emerson is explained in spirimal rather than religious terms; is also seen as a social conseąuence. Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography -secular version of Self-reliance. Self relianee is a combination of religion and secularisation. He is not afraid to take all sous of risks. to explore different existendal possibilities. without bothering about consequences. Tliere’s very little of American experience. A text is constructed upon a whole set of binary oppositions:
- self-reliance vs dependence
- an individual vs. society
- courage vs. cowardice conformity vs. non-conformity
- iruuition vs. intellect
An individual - is not afraid of taking his own initiative. no matter what conseąuences it would entaiL A child - a model for self-reliant individual; boys - as an example. European view of development of human naturę. At the early stages in life we live in accordance with our tnie naturę - then we begin to impose all sorts of imitations because we think of conseąuences. One of the greatest mistakes we can commit - imitation - synonymous to deatk If we imitate others we stop live as ourselves. When Emerson talks about historical figures he doesnt encourage to imitate. although senses them as models. Only an individual can try new possibilities. Individualism - a measure of progress.
an individual vs. sonety - naval metaphor. An individual is compared to:
a ship in a sea - it clianges its course. The linę - the measure of progress
a wave - moves forward and backward, never advances; tlie progress is impossible
Conformity - the power of society to kill our most precious gifts
Why do we decide to give up our individuality and live in the society? - The society offers us the sense of safety for our abandonment of individual initiatives.
Park romanlinsm
■ N. Hawthome
■ E. A. Poe
Herman Mehille