Yout affian: Theodorc Ja_T.cs Pcissig. States as follows:
1. He is a Spccial Agent of the Fcderal Burcau of Inve$tigatior.; and ha? reen >e employcd for morc than 12 years. Your affiam is currcntly assigned to a Ccunter- f errońsm Sęua^ in Detroit, and has becn involved in counter-terrorism matters for morę than six ycars.
2. This affidavit is submitted in support of a criminal complaim agair.s*. UYlAK FAROUK. ABDULMUTALLAB, datę of birth Deccmber 22, 1986. a Nigeria?. national. lor riolations of Title 18, United States Codę, Section 32 (Dcstruction of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilitics. and Wilful Atteir.pts to Do So)' This affidavit is based on your afńanfts persona] knowlcdgc as
18 U.S.C § 32 provides: (a) \Vhoever wilftUly-
(1) sets fire to, dainages, destroys, disablcs, or wrecks ar.y aircraft in the spccial aircraft jurisdiction of the United States or any civil aircraft used. operated. or employed in interstate. ovcrseas, or foreign air commercc;
(2) places or causes to bc placcd a destructive dcvice or substance in, upon, or in proximity to. or otherwisc makes or causes to be madę unworkable or unusable or huzardous to werk or use. an> such aircraft, or any part or other materials used or ir.tendcd to be used in conncctior. wid', the operation of such aircraft. i: such placing or causing to be placcd or such rr.aking or causing ho madę is likcly to cr.danger the safety of any such aircraft;
(3) sets tire to, ćamages. destroys, or disablcs any air nav:gation facility, or interferes by lorce o: violcnce with the operation of such facility, if such ftre, damaging. destroying. disabling, or interfering is likely to endanger the saiety of any such aircraft in flight;
(4) with the intent to damage, destroy, or disablc any such aircraft. sets fire to. damages. destro;. ?.