Yiriuia Convrntion on Succession of States in respect of Treaties Done ul Yieiiua on 23 August !9"8

The States Parties to tlie present Co/nention,

Considering the profound transfonnation of the International coinnuuiity brought about by the dccolonization process,

Considering also that other factors may lead to cases of succession of States m the futurę.

Cominced, m these circumstances, of the need for the codification and progrcssivc dcvclopmcnt of the mles relating to succession of States in rcspcct of trcaties as a ineans for ensuring greater juridical security in intcniational rclations.

Xot mg that the pnnciples of frec consent. good faitli and poeta świt senat nia are universally recognized.

Etnphasizing that the consistent observance of generał inultilatcral trcaties which dcal willi the codification and progressive developnient of intemational law and those the object and purpose of which are of interest to the intemational coinnuuiity as a whole is of spccial importance for the strengthening of pcacc and International coopcration.

Timing i n iii ind the pruiciples of intemational law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, such as Ute pruiciples of the equal rights and self-detemiination of peoples. of the sovereign eąuahty and independciicc of all States, of non-interfcrencc in the doinestic affaus of States, of the prohibilion of the threat or usc of forcc. and of unwersal rcspcct for. and obscr\'ancc of. Iiunian riglits and fundanicntal frcedoins for all.

Recalling that rcspcct for the tcrritorial integrity and political indcpcndcncc of any State is rcquircd by the Charter of the United Nations.

Bearing in mind the provisions of the Vieiuia Coiwention on the Law of Treaties of 1969.

Bearing also in mind articlc 73 of that Convcntion.

Affirming that questions of the law of treaties other than those that may ansę froni a succession of States are govemed by the relevant mles of intemational law. including those rules of customary intemational law which arc embodied in the Yienna Coiwention on the Law of Trcaties of 1969,

Affirming that the mles of customary intemational law will contmue to govem questions not regulated by the provisions of the present Convention.

Time agreed as follows:



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