
1.    Youth Employment in Sweden: a Success of Employment

Policy?.............. 1

2.    The Active Labour Market Policy and Economic Planning in


3.    The Current Structure of the Swedish Labour Market.............................5

4.    Youth on the Swedish Labour Market....................... .7

4.1.    The rise of youth unemploy ment in Sweden................................................7

4.2.    The Causes of Youth Unemployment................................................-..............8

4.3.    Public Program mes to Fight Youth Unemployment in


5.    The Outcome of Youth Employment Measures..........................................13

5.1. Continued education: Warehouse or ąualification for the

futurę labour market?.........................................................................................13

5 2. Youth Employment Schemes: A Risk for a Special Career....................14

6.    General Implications of Swedish Youth Employment


BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................. 22

STATISTICAL ANNEX...........................................................................................................25


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