







I don’t understand those people. What language..................................(they/speak)?

I.............................(not/see) the last goal because I...........................(look) at the sky at the time.

“Dinner time at last! I.....................................(look) forward to this all day.” “Me too. 1

..................................(not/eat) anything sińce break fasL”

There’s no point in running now. We....................................(miss) the bus anyway.

He crashed his car into a tree in order to avoid ............................(hit) a dog.

Shc................................(not/must) cook yesterday as they went out for dinner.

(be) a scientist, I.

(flnd) a way to rcpair the hole in the ozone

1. 1






(travel) when I_ Last night I ____

(not visit) many countries so far, but I _(be) older.

(watch) a horror on TV, so I

(not hear)

the scream next door.

He’s not in top form, so I think he_

hc____ (train) day and night.

. (not win) the competition uniess

My husband and I


When 1 was in Africa I missed Dad, ifl promiscd

(think) of moving house as we’d likc moro _. (ski) very much.

(behave), would you buy me roller skates?










They.................................................(walk) for a long time when at last they saw a signpost.

Who..................................................(you, stand) next to at the bus stop when I saw you?

He will not be an efficient worker because hc is not used to ...............................(work) hard.

I ...................y.................................( buy) a ncw dress. Would you likc to sec it?

Who..................................................(write) “Robinson Crusoe” ?

The man who...........................................— (talk) to John ............................(speak) seven


Mary is exhausted as shc................................................(work) for cight hours without a break.

The boy denied...........................................(steal) the bike.

_,_(you / hurt) your hand? It’s all red and swollen.

Yes, I__(hit) it with a hammer yesterday.

10.    He_(not / like) getting up early on Sundays so hc usually stays in bed till noon.

11.    I    (try) to conccntratc, so plcase_(not / interrupt).

(eat) such spicy dishes.

12.    This chicken curry is too hot. Tm not used to _

13.    I_(lei) you know as soon as I_(be) back borne.

14.    Hc    (drive) to the airport when he suddenly realised that he


his ticket at home.

1.    Computcrs...................................(use) in all kinds of placcs nowadays

2.    We will notify you as soon as we ... .f............................(know) the rcsults.

3.    He.................................(swim) across the bay when suddenly a strange fish

.........................(approach) him.

4.    The climbing was so tiring that they stopped...................(have) a break.

5.    1 don’t mind........................(drive) you home.

6.    It never.......................(rain) when I.....................(take) an umbrella with me.

7.    As a child I used...........................( spend) a lot of time in the country.

1. _' you (havc to)_ get up early when you wcrc in sccondary school?

2.    She doesn’t mind (work)    overtime.

. He (fly)_to Madrid tomorrow aftemoon. He

_at the airport.

3. John (just/phone)_ (tclcphonc)_

us again as soon as hc (arrivc)_

4.1    wanted to give you a lift to the station but you (already/ leave)_

5. My dad saw Elvis in the concert while he (travel)_

6.1    (read)_this novel sińce Friday.l (already/read)_

in the USA. _fifty pages.


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