It became popular and youstartedmakemoney on adds. Youfinanced it by „friends and family" money.Thananotheruniaskedyou to replicatethis, whichyoudidpartly via prepayment from uni, but rest from ownprofits form firstproject.
Nowyouhave the idea to expand the business onto 100 universities in US. Thisrequires 200 millioninto IT, with expectedprofits of 30 million a year, but possibleonlyafter ca. 2 yearswhensystemsgain popularity. A wellknown business manofferedyouhelp in raising 95% finance for 66% of yourprofits.
Do youaccepthishelp? Whatoptions to financeyouhave and which wouldyouchoose.
Preparatorystages for IPO
Appointan IPO advisor/ brockeragehouse
Appointlegaladvisor and PR agency
Register with securities commission
Publishpreliminaryprospectus ('red herring')
'Road Show'
FinałProspectus (with pricerange)
IPO adviser (brkoegarehouse, investment bank etc) -preparesprospectus, assists with investors and SEC meetings, helps in setting the pricerange, underwrites the issue Auditor - verifies the financialstatements of the capitalgroup for atleast 3 years. Has to be independent.