33447 system 12

33447 system 12

patients, it became morę and morę evident that this " System " alsO formed a splendid means of curing several chronic ailments.

This fact has been /urtlier proved in the last nine years, during which period a steadily increasing number of doctors have sent their patients to be treated at the Institute. The Ust of specialists and medical practitioners in London and the suburbs who recommend my exercises to their clients now numbers over 500, of whom 2oaretitled, and manyFellows of the Royal College of Physicians and of the Royal College of Surgeons. Several of these doctors have liad personal instruction at the Institute for the benefit of their own health. and a number have sent members of their own family.

Several thousand persons have been instructed and treated at the Muller Institute, or by special course sent by post. But th* mil-lions, the great mass of the population of the whole Empire are, of course, lacking the opportunity or the means of securing sucli personal or special attention.


In former editions only a strenuous form or degree of each exercise was fully described. It was often, therefore, rather risky for patients to do them on their own account, and it was difiicult for their medical advisers to explain to them how the same exercises could be done in milder forms. Now, in this new edition, the very easiest degrees or quite simple preliminary movements of every exercise are described in fuli detail and profusely iUustrated. It is further explained which exercises are best lor most cominon chronic diseases or bodily disabi-lities. The task of the medical adviser who prescribes my exercises is consequently much easier, and his prescriptions are surę to have still morę beneńcial results than formerly.

People not suffering from any ailment, but who are of advanced age or unaccustomed to physical exercise, can study this new edition, and by following the exercise programme for beginners laid down on page 52, learn the whole " System ” properly and correctly.

In the description of each exercise I have warned against every possible mistake which otherwise might have disappointed the hope of derhdng good and speedy benefits.

Since the patronage of H.R.H. the Prince of Walcs was graciously granted for my works and books and not for institutes, I am no morę connected with this linę of business.



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