cw1 (2)

cw1 (2)

12.4 Puzzle it out 4

lii ihis exerdse there is a inbuure of phrasal, prepositional and plirasal-preposi tional verbs.

Pat the Joilowirij) words i// the correct order, so as to make correct sentences. Also, pul the underlined i>erbs iri t/ie correct teuses.

1    on/whcn/m/we/Yurk/ąnd/Helen/caU/Charlie/were/we

2    aliet/np/we/ęalch /twenty/lhem/with/about/minutes

3    Carl/the/tell/was/always/teacher/off/late/he/because

4    are/withuut/orders/out/expected/carry/$oldiers/question/to

5    was/Smill) Aniei ica/of/while/up/lot/pick/guite/l/in/Spanish/I/a

6    Payarolti/lbr/stand /Covent Garden/last/Marco d’Alba/night/in,/at

12.5 Themes

Complete cuch of the followiruj sentences willi a suiUtble phrasal, prepositional or phrasaPprepositional verl> from the hox at the begiiming oj cach section. Put the verbs in the correct te/ises.


check in takeoff pick up get off fili up set off seeofl' run out of break down get on run over get out of puli up get in


1    Flight TWA 673 was liijacked soon after it .................................... from Karachi Airport.

2    Fm very busy toniorrow, so Fm afraid 1 won’t be able to .................. you .................. at the


3    My flight isn’t unlil 3.15 p.m. but 1 have to .................................... at least one hour


4    To gel there by lunchtime we’ll have to .................................... just after breakfast.

5    We’ve almost ...................................................... petrol - we’d belter stop and ..................

.................. the tank at the next garage.

B cłpthes

do up take off put on try on take in wear out tura up take back turn down

1    - Can 1 .................. these trousei-s .................. ?

- Yes, of eourse. ’J'lie fitting-rooms are over there.

2    Come over here, MaLthew. Your shoe-laces are undone again.

It*s about time you learned to .................. them .................. yourself.

3    11 was so hot inside that I had to .................. my pu!lover ..................



11 your feet are cold .................................... another pair of socks.


Fve only had these shoes two weeks and the heels are almost ..............

2    It often takes at least a week to ..................................... the ilu.

get over throw up pass out corae round tako out break down____

look after feel up to puli through . ivear out

1 The patient eventually .................................... after being unconscious for ten hours.

3    frn afraid your wisdom teeth will all have to be .....................................Mr Evans.

4    Don’s very sąueamish. As soon as he sees blood he .....................................

5    Garv’s mother has been very ill recently. In 1'acl he had to stay at home all last week so that he

could .................................... her.

12.6 Highfrequency phrasals

Fili in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct particles or prepositions.

A eome

1    The first edidon of Newsbeat, the new magazine for men in the 2 5-30 age group, will be

Corning .................. on 1 April.

2    If you’re not doing anything on Sunday, why don’t you come .................. for lunch?

3    While I was browsing through some old boolcs at Gregson’s I came .................. a first edition

of the Lyńcal Ballads.

4    One of the subjects that came .................. during the discussion was whether it was a good

thing for children to go to a boarding school.

5    Diana came .................. a lot of money when her uncle died.

B get

1    How are you getting .................. in your new job?

2    In winter the weather in England really gets me ...................

3    I don’t think Melvyn gets.................. very well.................. his boss.

4    You’ve been taking things too easily. You really should get .................................... some hara


5    Tli contact you when we get .................. from our holiday in Greece.

C give

1    That money’s minę! Gf$» it .................. to me!

2    After five days on the:piane the hijackers fmally gave themselves .................. to the police.

3    Milly gave .................. smoking three months ago.

4    I’ve decided to give all my old records ...................IIave a look through them and see if there

are any you want.

5    During the manufacturing process they use some powerful Chemical substances which

give .................. an awful smell.

D go

1    When the tide goes .................. you can walk along the beach for miles.

2    You need to give yoursełf enough time to go .................. your compositions to check them for


3    Carol broke up with her boyfriend last year, didn’t she? Do you know if she’s going ..................

.................. anyone at the moment?

4    Tony’s father went .................................... the painting competition and won first prize.

5    I can’t use this meat: it’s gone ...................


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