Internet Connection Sharing

When ICS is configured, one Computer, calłed the ICS host, connects directly to

the Internet and shares its connection with the other computers on the network.

The client computers rely on the ICS host Computer to provide access to the

Internet. Security is enhanced when ICS is enabled because only the ICS host

Computer is visible to the Internet. Any communication from the client

computers to the Internet must pass through the ICS host, which keeps the

addresses of the client computers hidden from the Internet. Only the Computer

running ICS is seen from the outside of the network.

In addition, the ICS host Computer manages network addressing. The ICS host

Computer assigns itself a permanent address and provides Dynamie Host

Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to ICS clients, assigning a uniąue address to

each ICS client and, therefore, providing a way for computers to


on the network.


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