The names, usual symbols, and Standard International units for the four vectors used to
describe electromagnetic fields in a generał medium are
E electric field intensity Vm-1 H magnetic field intensity Am-i D electric flux density Cm-2 B magnetic flux density Wbm-2
The units of magnetic flux density B havc the alternativc name of Tesla, for which the abbrcviation is T.
The names, usual symbols, and Standard International units for the vcctors used to describe the State of a dielectric medium and the State of a magnetic medium rcspcctively are
P polarisation Cm-2 M magnetisation Am-1
The fully generał relations betwcen the above six vcctors are
(i) D = :oE + P by definition
(ii) B = po(H+M) by definition
The valucs of the magnetic permeability and the dielectric permittivity of free spacc are in Standard International units