The surface field

Since the reflection is not quite complete, there will be a smali tangential component of

electric field at the surface. We cannot calculate it yet, but we expect that it will be smali.

The magnetic field will, however, still be almost double the magnetic field corresponding

to the incident wave, and we will find that this fact gives us a basis for calaculation of all

the fields if they are considered in an appropriate order.

In studying the penetration of the fields into the conductor then, we suppose the tangential component Hoof the magnetic field at the surface is given (just double the magnetic field of the incident wave) and is along Oy, and we calculate the remainder of

the field quantities from that parameter.

First we calculate the above-mentioned smali electric field Eoat the surface, by using the wave impedance Eo = (l+j)R$Ho(9.16)

Notę Eo is spatially perpendicular to Ho, i.e. it will be along the Ox. Notę the 45 phasefactoras well.


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