sublet - to rent to someone else a property that you rent from its owner

subpoena - a conrt order which reqnires someone to appear in court as a witness - wezwać

kogoś na świadka

subsidiary - a company that is owned by a parent company

substandard - describes sth that is not of an acceptable qnality and does not meet the standard expected - o niskim standardize

substantiate - to prove the tnith of something that someone has said, claimed etc - poprzeć dowodami

substantiation - justification - uzasadnienie

succeeding - following - kolejny, następny

sue - to start legał proceedings against someone

summarily - immediately, and witliout following the normal process.

to be at all stuck - if you don’t know what to do at all

surplus - an amount of something that is morę than what is needed or used (synonym excess) - nadwyżka, nadmiar


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