landlord - a man wlio rents a room, building, or piece of land to someone, owner of property
lapse - to come to an end because the agreed time limit has passed - wygaśnięcie
last resort - last thing to do if all other things are not successfnl
latent - hidden, not immediately obvions or cannot immediately be seen - ukiyty
law of equity - law of rightness
law of tort - deals with civil responsibility for liarm or damage cansed to someone by a breach of duty of care
launder to transfer illegal money into legał bank account - pranie brudnych pieniędzy lay person - non - professional person
leak - to pass confidential or secret Information to someone, usually to the media - ujawnić lease of land and buildings - to use a building, car etc luider a lease - wynajem, dzierżawa leave - formal permission to do sth, especially sth you would not normally be allowed to -zgoda, pozwolenie legał - allowed by law
legał costs - the court fees and payment for the lawyer who is acting for yoiL - opłaty sądowe legalese - language used by lawyers tłiat is difficult for most people to understand, żargon prawników
legislation - all of the laws passed by the govemment or an organization
let - to allow someone to use a building for a specified period of time in return for a payment
of rent
liable = rcsponsible for
liabilities - legał responisility for things
liability insurancc - ubezpieczenie od odpowiedzialności cywilnej
libel - when someone writes or prints untrue statements about someone so that other people
could have a bad opinion of them - oszczerstwo (w ritten)
lien - the legał right to keep smb’s property until the debt is paid
lieu - the expression “in lieu of’ means “instead of’.
liquidation - the act of closing a company by selling the things that belong to it, in order to pay its debts.
litigation - he process of taking claims to a court of law
litigant - a person who defends or a claimant - osoba pozostająca w sporze sądowym - droga prawna, process sądowy litify - to litigate
live on - zyć z czegoś, f.e. live on pension
loan - an amount of money that you borrow from a bank.
loggcrhcads - bc at loggerheads (with somcbody) - if two people are at loggerheads, they disagree very strongly - drzeć ze sobą koty
loophole - a smali mistake in a law that makes it possible to avoid doing something that the law is supposed to make you do - luka w prawie loss - strata
lump sum - Money paid in one single payment rather than in several smaller amounts - suma ryczałtowa