Database Identification
In the Global Database Name field, enter the database namc in the form database_ name.domain_name.
In the SID field, enter the system identifier. The SID defaults to the database name and uniquely identifies the instancc that runs the database.
If you enable the Create as Container Database option, the database is created as a CDB that can support zero. one, or many user-created FDBs.
If you do not want DBCA to create a FDB when it creates the CDB, enable the Create an Empty Container Database option.
If you want DBCA to create one or morę PDBs when it creates the CDB, enable the Create a Container Database with one or morę PDBs option. Then enter the number
of PDBs to create in the Number of PDBs field. In the PDB Name field, specify the name to use for the PDB or PDBS to be created. When you create multiple PDBs, the PDB name you specify is used as a prefix for the PDBs to be created. For example, if you ask for 3 PDBs to be created and specify SANDBOXPDB as the PDB name, then the names of the PDBs created will be SANDBOXPDB1, SANDBOXPDB2, and SANDBOXPDB3.
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