Performing Oracle Advised Recovery

The Oracle advised recovery feature uses Dala Rccovery Advisor, which is an Oracle Databasc feature that automatically diagnoses data failures, determines and presents appropriate repair options, and performs repairs if requested by the user. By providing a ccntralizcd tool for automated data repair. Data Recovery Advisor improvcs the manageability and reliability of an Oracle databasc.

RMAN provides a command-line interface to the Data Recovery Advisor. You can use following RMAN commands to diagnose and repair data failures for the Oracle Database, including for Oracle RAC databases:


Use this command to view problem statements for failures and the effect of these failures on database operations. Each failure is identified by a failure number.


Use this command to view repair options, including both automated and manuał repair options.


Use this command to automatically repair failures listed by the most rcccnt ADVISE FAILURE command.

This section eon tai ns the following topics:

■About Data Rccovcry Advisor ■Using Data Recovery Advisor


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