Credentials Required to Perform Backup and Recovery

To perform backup and rccovery tasks with RMAN, you must conncct to thc targct database as a user with thc SYSDBA orSYSBACKUP administrative privilege. The SYS BACKUP privilege encompasses all the privileges required to back up and recover thc database. Those privileges arc a subset of the privileges included in the S YSDBA administrative privilege.

The fol łowi ng types of users have the S YS B AC KU P pri vi lege.

■The SYS BACKUP user.

See Also:

■"Configuring Backup Policy Settings" on pagc 9-14

mOracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for examples of

configuring a redundancy-based policy.

See Also:

uOracie Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for information

about handling a fuli fast recovery area

Configuring Your Database for Basic Backup and Recovery

9-8 Oracle Database 2 Day DBA

When you install the database, the SYS BACKUP user, with the SYS BACKUP pri vi lege,

is created automatically.

■Database users to whom you grant the SYS BACKUP privilege.

■Database host users who are mcmbcrs of the OSBACKUPDBA opcrating system group—for opcrating system authentication.

The OSBACKUPDBA group is assigncd to a spccific opcrating system group during database installation. For example, on UNIX and Linux systems, the backupdba group is typically designated as thc OSBACKUPDBA group. Host users in this group can conncct to the target database using opcrating system authentication: they do not nced to be defined as a database user.

For thc Oracle suggested backup strategy dcscribed in this documcntation. you usc operation system authentication. Consult your opcrating system documcntation for instructions for creating host users and adding them to the OSBACKUPDBA group.


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