About Administration Privileges for Startup and Shutdown
To start or shut down thc Oracle instancc, you must conncct to thc instancc with a special connection privilege. There are two of thesc privileges: SYS DBA for fully empowered database administrators and SYSOPER for users who start and shut down thc database, but have no privilcgcs to acccss uscr objeets.
When you crcate an Oracle database, there are two primary administrative uscr accounts that are automatically created: SYS and SYSTEM. Both of thesc users have fuli
database administration privileges, but initially, only user SYS or SYSTEM can
Sec Also:
■"About Instance Memory Structures" on page 5-4
mOracle Database Concepts for morę information about the SGA
Sec Also:
■"About Server and Client Processes" on page 5-4 for morę information about dedicated server and shared server modes mOracle Database Concepts for morę information about the PGA See Also:
■"Shutting Down and Starting Up thc Oracle Instancc" on page 5-8
mOracle Database Concepts
Overview of the Oracle Instance and Instance Management
Managing the Oracle Instance 5-7
with the SYSOPER privilege. Therefore, until you grant the SYSOPER privilege to other
users, you must connect to the Oracle instance as user SYS or SYSTEM to start and shut
down thc instancc. When connccting (logging in) as user SYS, you must always specify
that you are connect i ng AS SYSDBA.
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