ms 020

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For Strength and Muscle to Plan

Arrow points to your CORRECl wcight 0.\LV 11- you »tand still on platform umil red band stops bclorc tlroppmg coin.    Stones Pounds



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tiie imrnsii actomatic oo. Ltd.

13/1-1. APPOLD ST., LONDON, E.C.2.



A. PARKINSON (Gold Medallist)

Parkinson is one of twins ; when bom was given twenty-four hours to live ! Was badly wounded in the Great War ! To-day, thanks to APOLLON, he is one of the strongest men in the country over 40 ! He is a coal-miner by trade.

O. BUTTERWORTH (Heckmondwike).


Witt ke paid to ciny Chcirity if my 1 estimonials can be proued othertuise tłum genuine.

He used to be a siekły, scrawny weakling — all his life he craved for STRENGTH—now he is an APOLLON champion, and father of two fine boys-In all he gained 30lbs. of MUSCLE, and to-day is as strong as two ordinary men.



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