libmemcached Command-Line Utilities
In addition to the main C library interface, libmemcached also includes a number of command-line
Utilities that can be useful when working with and debugging memcached applications.
Ali of the command-line tools accept a number of arguments, the most critical of which is servers,
which specifies the list of servers to connect to when returning information.
The main tools are:
• memcat: Display the value for each ID given on the command linę:
shell> memcat --servers=localhost hwkey Hello world
• memcp: Copy the contents of a file into the cache, using the file name as the key:
shell> echo "Hello World" > hwkey shell> memcp —3ervers=localhost hwkey shell> memcat --servers=localhost hwkey Hello world
• memrm: Remove an item from the cache:
3hell> memcat --servers-localhost hwkey Hello world
shell> memrm —servers-localhost hwkey shell> memcat --3ervers=localhost hwkey
• memslap: Test the load on one or morę memcached servers, simulating get/set and multiple Client
operations. For example, you can simulatethe load of 100 clients performing get operations:
shell> memslap --servers-localhost --concurrency-100 --flush —test-get memslap —servers-localhost --concurrency-100 --flush —test-get Threads connecting to servers 100 Took 13.571 seconds to read data
• memf lush: Flush (empty) the contents of the memcached cache.
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