Parameters for configuring send buffer memory allocation. Send buffer memory is allocated

dynamically from a memory pool shared between all transporters, which means that the size of the

send buffer can be adjusted as necessary. (Previously, the NDB kernel used a fixed-size send buffer

for every node in the cluster, which was allocated when the node started and could not be changed

while the node was running.) The TotalSendBuf ferMemory [2245] and

OverLoadLimit [2253]

data node configuration parameters permit the setting of limits on this memory allocation. For morę

information about the use of these parameters (aswell as SendBuf ferMemory [2253]), see

Section, “Configuring MySQL Cluster Send Buffer Parameters".

•ExtraSendBufferMemory [2245]

This parameter specifies the amount of transporter send buffer memory to allocate in addition to any

set using TotalSendBuf ferMemory [2245], SendBuf ferMemory [2253], or both.

•    TotalSendBuf ferMemory [2245]

This parameter is available beginning with MySQL Cluster NDB 6.4.0. It is used to determine the

total amount of memory to allocate on this node for shared send buffer memory

among all configured


If this parameter is set its minimum permitted value is 256KB; the maxmimum is 4294967039.

•    ReservedSendBufferMemory [2245]

This parameter is present in NDBCLUSTER source codę beginning with MySQL Cluster NDB 6.4.0.

However, it is not currently enabled.

This parameter was deprecated in MySQL Cluster NDB 7.2, and is subjectto removal in a futurę

release of MySQL Cluster (Bug #11760629, Bug #53053).

For morę detailed information about the behavior and use of

TotalSendBuf ferMemory [2245]

and about configuring send buffer memory parameters in MySQL Cluster, see Section,

“Configuring MySQL Cluster Send Buffer Parameters".

See also Section 17.5.13, "Adding MySQL Cluster Data Nodes Online".


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