■    Ali regions in Europę not covered by tlie convergence objective;

■    Regions ąualified to convergence objective before 2004 are now given extra funding to help them "phase in" to tlieir new objective;

■    Number of regions concemed: 172

■    Number of Europeans concemed: 330 million

■    Total amount: €55 bn (16% of total budget)

■    Type of projects funded: development of dean transport, support for research centers, universities, smali businesses and start-ups, training, job creation. etc.

3. European territorial cooperation

■    Encourage cooperation across borders;

■    Number of regions concemed: all

■    Number of Europeans concemed: 500 million

■    Total amount: € 8.7bn (2.5% of total budget)

■    Type of projects funded: shared management of natural resources, risk protection, improving transport links, creating networks of universities, research institutes etc.

■    In the budgetary period 2007-13 it includes:

52 cross-border co-operation programs along internal EU borders; ERDF contribution: €5.6 billion: hup; . eceurQpa,eu reŁioiial policy atlasZQQ7 eu crossborder mdex eii-hun

13 transnational co-operation programs cover lai^er areas of co-operation such as tlie Baltic Sea, Alpine and Mediterranean regions ERDF contribution: €1.8 billion;

http:, ec.europa.eu regional policy,atlas20Q7 transnational index en.htm

•    The interregional co-operation program (INTERREG IVC) and 3 networking programs (Urbact II, Interact II and ESPON) cover all 27 Member States of the EU;

•    http: ęc.ęiirąpa.ęu ręgioiial pQlicy/arcliivg^Qoperatton-'MgrreŁioiMl'iudex eiUitm

•    ERDF contribution: €445 million;

•    All ETC objectives are financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF);

How is the EU regional policy financed?


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