where: pt is the area covered by vegetation in the s( class of anthropization. Depending on the type of vegetation, st can have the following values: 0; 0.5; 1; 1.5; 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 10) (fig. 22).
The other way of calculating the synanthropization index is based on the formula:
where: £z{ is the weighted index of the anthropization of the vegetation. The differences between the formulae, apart from the fact that some of the components are eliminated, consist in adopting a slightly different scalę of the natural character of plant communities. Instead of an irregular ten-degree scalę, a morę regular eleven-degree scalę is adopted. The A index is morę sensitive and morę useful Tor highly transformed areas, especially because of the fact that most of the nccessary data can be found in topographical maps. The S index is better for characterizing those which have been little transformed, although a map of actual vegetation is necessary for calculating it.
The protective status offered by the existence of the Wigry Landscape Park and the forthcoming establishment of a National Park should predetermine the futurę development of the region. This will obviously entail the introduction of a number of legał regulations and recommendations. It would be desirable to expand the areas protected under naturę reserves. As for farming, crop production should not be intensified, although animal husbandry (especially cattle and sheep) could be promoted. Felling for timber should be restricted to a minimum, while total clearing should be banned. In the field of water management, it is of utmost importance to complete the construction of the sewage treatment plant in Suwałki and to build local plants of this kind (e. g. of the BIOBLOK. type). The fishing industry can also be intensified, especially with respect to fishing the pelagic fish: lavaret and whitcfish. The tourist and recreational industry needs some rearrangement. This has to do mainly with concentrating recreational facilities in two linear systems of Bryzgiel/Gawrychruda and Stary Folwark/Mikolajewo, which should be accompanied by the raising of standards in the services, the enrichment of the recreational offer and an adequate adjustment and improvement of the infrastructure. The settlement and road network is basically appropriate. However, an uncontrolled urbanization of villages must not be allowed. The same applies to the construction of new stretches of asphalt-paved roads, as these phenomena might seriously affect the landscape and the ecological cohesion of the Lakę Wigry region.
Translated by Tomasz Konik