39b (3)
Percentage of test conditions covered by test cases.
□ Percentage of work products identified and archived.
O Total test time planned against effective test time carried out. [7] Percentage of test environments configured.
Total defects raised, broken down by severity and priority for those fixed and outstanding.
Planned elapsed time versus actual elapsed time.
□ Percentage of test cases checked into re-usable test case repository.
□ Planned expenditure versus actual expenditure.
[7] Percentage of test conditions and cases executed.
O Risks identified broken down by those mitigated by the test activity and any left outstanding.
O Number of changes (change requests) raised, accepted (built) and tested.
□ Percentage of test time lost due to blocking events.
Number of defects found during test analysis and design.
□ Defect discovery and information.
Planned versus actual hours to develop testware and execute test cases.
Percentage of test cases identified as regression tests.
[7] Percentage of test cases automated.
Percentage of outstanding defect reports closed off (e.g. deferred, no further action, change reąuest, etc.).
Ratio of test cases automated: to be automated.
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